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Yati Sudaryati Soeka


Lingzi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) synthesizes enzymes which have anti-hyperglycemic and anti-diabetic activities. This preliminary study aims to characterize the amylase and cellulase activities of mycelial culture, and to analyze the physicochemical compounds in the basidioma of G. lucidum InaCC F11 and G. lucidum InaCC F106. The enzymes were characterized spectrophotometrically using DNS method, and the basidioma was subjected to proximate and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis, as well as microstructural observation using scanning electron microscope. Results showed both strains demonstrated amylase activity, but not cellulase activity. The optimum activity of amylase in G. lucidum InaCC F11 mycelial cultures was achieved on the 3rd incubation day, at pH 5.5, 35 ºC temperature, and 1.5% substrate concentration, whereas that of G. lucidum InaCC F106 on the 7th incubation day, at pH 5, 40 ºC temperature, and 1.75% substrate concentration. Dried basidioma of G. lucidum InaCC F11 contained 93.72% carbohydrates, 3.06% protein, 0.85% fat, 0.768% crude fiber, 0.54% ash, and 1.83% moisture. In addition, HPLC detected the presence of phenols (0.036%), steroids (0.014 mg 100 mL-1), and active triterpenoid compounds.

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