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Erwahyuni Prabandari
Dyah Noor Hidayati
Diana Dewi
Eni Dwi Islamiati
Khaswar Syamsu


Cephalosporin is a β-lactam antibiotic produced by Acremonium chrysogenum using submerged fermentation. Carbon and nitrogen are the most influential medium ingredients for cephalosporin formation. The purpose of this study was to obtain the best composition of media for cephalosporin production. Response surface methodology was used for production optimization. The results showed that molasses of 70 g/Lwas the best carbon source, while the best nitrogen source was the combination of corn steep liquor, urea and ammonium sulphate. DL-methionine, carbon, and nitrogen source significantly affected  the production of cephalosporin C. The mathematically modelled optimization showed that the highest production of cephalosporin C (3876 mg/L) was obtained using medium composition of 68.28 g/L molasses, 71.61 g/nitrogen, and 0.4 g/DL-methionine. Laboratory verification using the same medium composition produced 3696 mg/L of cephalosporin C, being 4.65% different from the mathematically optimized results. Medium optimization increased the cephalosprin C production which was 1.48 times higher than that using the previous medium, where the maximum production was only 2487 mg / L.

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How to Cite
Prabandari, E., Hidayati, D. N., Dewi, D., Islamiati, E. D., & Syamsu, K. (2023). PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI SEFALOSPORIN C DARI Acremonium chrysogenum CB2/11/1.10.6 DENGAN OPTIMASI MEDIA MENGGUNAKAN METODE RESPON PERMUKAAN. Jurnal Bioteknologi Dan Biosains Indonesia, 4(1), 10–20. Retrieved from


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