Stabilitas Zirconium-Silika Molecular Sieve dalam Larutan Basa
Zircorium, Molecular Sieve, Pore DiameterAbstract
Telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh zirconium dalam perbaikan stabilitas silika molecular sieve dalam larutan basa. Struktur molecular sieve yang dibuat adalah hexagonal MCM-41 yang memiliki luas permukaan 1200 m2/g. Pembuatan bahan silika MCM-41 dilakukan menggunakan campuran larutan cethyltrimetilammonium bromida (CTAB), tetraethylorthosilikat (TEOS), natrium hidroksida (NaOH) dan aquades (H2O) dengan perbandingan molar 0,05 : 1,0 : 0,5 : 100. Adapun penambahan zirconium isopropoksida (ZrPr) sejumlah 3% berat terhadap tetraethylorhosilikat. Penambahan zirconium pada MCM-41 tidak merubah karakteristik distribusi ukuran pori, diameter pori rata-rata sekitar 2 nm dengan luas permukaan mencapai 1200 m2/g. Dengan penambahan 3% berat ZrPr dapat meningkatkan stabilitas silika molecular sieve pada larutan basa. Pengamatan struktur dilakukan dengan X-ray diffraction. Karakteristik pori dianalisis dengan metode physisorption menggunakan nitrogen pada 44 K.
Has conducted research on the effect of zirconium silica molecular sieve improved stability in alkaline solution . Molecular sieve structure is made of hexagonal MCM - 41 which has a surface area of 1200 m2 / g . Preparation of MCM - 41 silica materials was conducted using a mixed solution of cethyltrimetilammonium bromide ( CTAB ) , tetraethylorthosilikat ( TEOS ) , sodium hydroxide ( NaOH ) and distilled water ( H2O ) with a molar ratio of 0.05 : 1.0 : 0.5 : 100 . As for the addition of zirconium isopropoxide ( ZrPr ) a 3 % by weight of the tetraethylorhosilikat . The addition of zirconium in the MCM - 41 does not alter the characteristics of the pore size distribution , average pore diameter of about 2 nm with a surface area to 1200 m2 / g . With the addition of 3 wt% silica ZrPr can increase the stability of molecular sieve in an alkaline solution . Observation of the structure is done with X - ray diffraction . Pore characteristics were analyzed by the method using nitrogen physisorption at 44 K.
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