The Effect of Corner Radius of Square Thin-Walled Structures on Crashworthiness Indicators
Thin-walled square tube, Mild steel, Numerical simulation, Experimental test, Crashworthiness indicatorsAbstract
Generally, the crash box on automobile vehicles is a thin-walled structure with a square cross-section. The majority of research was carried out for a long time to find the optimum crashworthiness indicator. In this study, numerical simulations and experimental tests are used to investigate the effect of the corner radius of a square cross-section thin-walled structure on crashworthiness indicators. Quasi-static analysis with mild steel material produces the mean force (Pm) error value is less than 3% while varying the corner radius ranging from zero to 1 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm shows energy absorption (EA) and peak force (Pmax) decreased.
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