Creep Behavior of Welded Ferrite-Pearlite 2 1/4Cr - 1 Mo Steel
Creep, life prediction, ferritic steelAbstract
This research aimed to study the creep and creep-rupture behavior of 2¼ Cr-1Mo steel on as-received and as-welded specimens. The tests were carried out on two different specimen types of the as-received specimen and as-welded specimen. The tests were executed based on 100 hours, 300 hours, 1000 hours, and 3000 hours of rupture time under constant load at 550°C, 600°C, and 650°C, respectively. In this paper, the creep and creep-rupture behavior of this material is presented based on the results obtained and followed by related discussions. The study showed that at the same condition, the part with the weld joint has the same rupture time as the other smooth un-welded parts.
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