
  • Hilda Luthfiyah Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Teknologi 2 Building, 3rd Floor, Puspiptek Serpong, South Tangerang
  • Okghi Adam Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Teknologi 2 Building, 3rd Floor, Puspiptek Serpong, South Tangerang
  • Teddy Anugrah Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Teknologi 2 Building, 3rd Floor, Puspiptek Serpong, South Tangerang
  • Gilang Mantara Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Teknologi 2 Building, 3rd Floor, Puspiptek Serpong, South Tangerang



Detectors, Train, YOLOv3


Based on data from Indonesia Directorate General of Railways in 2017, it is mentioned that the problems at the level crossing of railroad tracks are mostly caused by human error factors themselves. The current train headway and the crossing system that is still operated manually can increase the potential for accidents. Therefore, the development of alternative camera-based detectors to support the railroad crossing automation system is needed at this time. The development of this camera-based train detector uses the basic program You Only Look Once (YOLO), where YOLOv3 has proven to be accurate enough to detect moving objects. The development results show promising results for several types of alternative trains.


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How to Cite

Luthfiyah, H., Adam, O., Anugrah, T., & Mantara, G. (2023). CAMERA-BASED DETECTORS AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO DETECTING TRAINS IN A LEVEL CROSSING IMPLEMENTATION. Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri; Journal of Industrial Research and Innovation, 14(2), 99–106.