
  • Lukman Shalahuddin 1Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
  • Adityo Suksmono 1Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology
  • Yohanes P Sembiring 1Center of Technology for System and Infrastructure of Transportation Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology



Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Engine Performance


The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) application for prediction of internal combustion engine performance is assessed in this paper. A literature survey on this subject is first reviewed, in which previous researches utilized the advance of artificial neural networks (ANN) as one type of AI. Previous works commonly obtained the data from experimental engine tests. Under the same engines, they varied the fuel compositions or the engine operating conditions. Whereas in this study, an ANN model is developed to calculate the inputs from an engine simulation software package database and to predict the engine performance based on the simulation software outputs as the ANN target outputs. Results from the ANN model in the “learning” step indicates good agreement with the software simulation outputs. Improvement and development of the program are required, including optimation of the ANN model architecture, such as the choice of activation function, the number of neurons in the hidden layer, and the number of iterations, as well as the number and option of input engine parameters. The ANN model seems promising to predict engine performance, with root mean square errors in the range of 0.4-1.8%.


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How to Cite

Shalahuddin, L., Suksmono, A., & Sembiring, Y. P. (2023). PREDICTION OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE PERFORMANCE USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri; Journal of Industrial Research and Innovation, 14(2), 153–162.