Hydrogeology, Site selection, Acceptance of NPP siteAbstract
This is a preliminary study in the selection of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) site in Batam's Barelang area to support industrial growth in the area in the future. The initial site selection was conducted in 2015 and 2017 in the pre-survey phase, considering hydrogeological aspect. The results of previous research showed four potential areas, namely Pasir Panjang Beach, Tanjung Batu, Dapur 3 and Tanjung Rame. The hydrogeological aspect plays an important role in the consideration of site acceptance. This is related to the consideration of potential flow of radioactively contaminated groundwater seepage in the site area, in the event of a potential release. The acceptance of the NPP site from the hydrogeological aspect is based on the site’s permeable geological formation and porosity condition, where groundwater can be stored. The purpose of the study was to assess the potential site in Galang Sub-district, Batam City based on hydrogeological aspects which include surface geology, groundwater productivity and rock porosity. Research methods include primary and secondary data collection, literature review and ranking analysis. The results showed that Tanjung Batu, Dapur 3 and Tanjung Rame could be chosen as the potential sites for NPP based on the hydrogeological aspect. The three regions have surface geology in the form of sandstone, clay and claystone rock with medium rock porosity level and medium groundwater productivity. Pasir Panjang Beach is less preferable because it has a high porosity of rocks with the productivity of aquifers is being spread widely.
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