Supply chain network, piecewise linear function, convex-combination method, small and medium enterpriseAbstract
This study proposed a supply chain network for determining suppliers’ location in which the transportation costs are a piecewise linear function. The supply chain network consists of a production facility, suppliers, and customers. These types of costs are found in the fields of transportation, logistics, and purchasing discount. First, the supply chain network is formulated as the mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) because piecewise linear transportation cost makes the model non-linear. Then, the model is transformed into a mixed-integer programming (MIP) model using the convex-combination method to overcome this nonlinearity. The model was used for solving the problem faced by a small and medium enterprise (SME) in Cilegon. The MIP was solved using the CPLEX software. Sensitivity analysis was carried to provide the SME with several alternatives in handling the suppliers’ location problem
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