Serangan Korosi Sumuran pada Tube Heat Exchanger di Kilang Pengolahan Minyak
Heat exchanger, Tube, Deposit, Pitting corrosion, BrokenAbstract
Alat penukar panas (Heat Exchanger) adalah suatu alat yang berfungsi untuk menaikkan temperatur. Apabila salah satu komponen dari Heat Exchangertersebut mengalami kerusakan, maka temperatur yang diinginkan tidak akan tercapai. Salah satu dari tube heat exchanger yang ada di Kilang Pengolahan Minyak mengalami kerusakan berupa putus akibat terkorosi. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan dan pengujian yang meliputi : pemeriksaan visual, metalografi, uji kekerasan, analisa komposisi kimia, dan analisa EDAX. Maka diketahui bahwatube Heat Exchanger telah mengalami serangan korosi sumuran (pitting corrosion) pada permukaan dalam dan luar tube. Terjadinya serangan korosi sumuran, karena pada permukaan dalam dan luar tube terlapisi oleh deposit yang cukup tebal dan mengandung unsur-unsur Sulphur (S) dan Chlor (Cl) yang dapat memicu timbulnya serangan korosi sumuran (pitting corrosion), hingga tube mengalami penipisan di mana-mana dan putus.
Kata kunci : Alat penukar panas, Tube, Endapan, Korosi sumuran, putus.
Heat exchangers is a tool that serves to raise the temperature. If one component of the Heat Exchanger is damaged, then the desired temperature will not be reached. One of the tube heat exchanger that is in Oil Refinery suffered damage in the form of broken due to corroded. After examination and testing that includes visual inspection, metallography, hardness testing, chemical composition analysis, and analysis of EDAX. It is known that the tube Heat Exchanger has suffered attacks pitting corrosion on the surface of the inner and outer tube. Pitting corrosion attack, because the surface of inner and outer tube coated by a deposit that is thick and contains elements of Sulphur (S) and Chlor (Cl) which can lead to pitting corrosion attack, to experience thinning tube where everywhere and broken
Keyword :Â Heat exchanger, Tube, Deposit, Pitting corrosion, Broken.
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