Transforming Oil Palm Waste into Energy: A Two-Stage Chemical Approach for Superior Biogas Yield
Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) are serious solid residues of oil palm mills that must be destroyed effectively and efficiently. At the same time, liquid residues in Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) have been widely processed by anaerobic digestion to produce biogas as a renewable energy source. The high organic content of EFB has the potential to be used as raw material to increase biogas production through initial treatment to improve its quality by eliminating lignin content, which can inhibit the performance of microorganisms converting COD into biogas. The initial treatment of EFB with a chemical process approach for lignin removal combined with a physical process to separate the fibers of a certain size for further slurry and enrichment using treated POME. This study aims to determine the optimum concentration of NaOH, which results in the highest lignin decomposition in the chemical pretreatment process through 2 stages using NaOH and NH4OH. The method used is the delignification process by soaking NaOH at concentrations of 3, 5, and 7% and continuing using a 15% NH4OH solution, then analyzing the decomposition of lignin. After pretreatment, biogas production was tested. This study found the largest reduction in lignin levels at NaOH concentrations of 7% and NH4OH 15%, which increased the COD to 50,000 ppm, and methane production of approximately 17 % was produced.
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