Community’s knowledge and preference for the yellow root (Fibraurea tinctoria Lour.) utilization as a healthy drink

Community’s knowledge and preference for the yellow root (Fibraurea tinctoria Lour.) utilization as a healthy drink


  • Tri Rizkiana Yusnikusumah Pusat Riset Ekologi dan Etnobiologi - BRIN
  • Nida Humaida Pusat Riset Ekologi dan Etnobiologi - BRIN
  • Ike Mediawati Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Samboja
  • Susana Yuni Indriyanti Pusat Riset Ekologi dan Etnobiologi - BRIN
  • Andhika Silva Yunianto Pusat Riset Ekologi dan Etnobiologi - BRIN
  • Samuel Fery Purba Pusat Riset Ekonomi Perilaku dan Sirkuler - BRIN



community’s opinion, healthy drink, yellow root


Nowadays, going back to nature is a trend among people using herbal products for medication. The yellow root (Fibraurea tinctoria Lour.) is well-known as a forest plant with many benefits. This study aimed to determine the general opinion of the local villagers around Samboja Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK Samboja) on the product development of yellow root as a healthy drink. The aspects studied include the local community's opinion of the usage of forest plants as medicine, the knowledge of the villagers about the benefits of yellow root, and the assessment of the brewed varieties of the yellow root, as well as the people's willingness to buy or to pay for the product which made from the yellow root. Data were obtained from interviews and organoleptic tests on 50 respondents around the KHDTK Samboja. The result showed that 60% of the community agree, 38% strongly agree, and 2% moderately agree with using forest plants as medicine. The villagers also know basic about the benefits of the yellow root treatment for malaria, diabetes, fatigue, fever, and typhus. The results of the organoleptic test showed that the yellow root simplicia powder drink variant with a mixture of dried stevia leaves and jasmine tea was the most preferred formula in color, taste, and scent.



How to Cite

Yusnikusumah, T. R., Humaida, N., Mediawati, I., Indriyanti, S. Y., Yunianto, A. S., & Purba, S. F. (2023). Community’s knowledge and preference for the yellow root (Fibraurea tinctoria Lour.) utilization as a healthy drink. Buletin Kebun Raya, 26(1), 38–44.