
  • Rohmad Sigit National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Refa Artika National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Helmi Fauzi Rahmatullah National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Sri Ismarwanti National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Aslina Br. Ginting National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Supardjo National Research and Innovation Agency




Post-irradiation, U3Si2/Al fuel, visual inspection, x-ray radiography, image analysis


The development of high density U3Si2/Al fuels has been carried out by increasing the fuel density from 2.96 gU/cm3 to 4.8 gU/cm3. Increasing the density of uranium has an impact on the mechanical integrity of the cladding and its geometric stability, so a post-irradiation examination is required. The post-irradiation examination carried out included visual inspection, X-ray radiographic tests, and image analysis. Visual inspection of the fuel surface was performed using a dedicated periscope in the operating area of hot cell 102 and documented using a camera through the hot cell window. X-ray radiographic test using the voltage and current parameters at 150 kV and 1500 μA, respectively. The radiographic image is further analyzed using ImageJ software. Based on visual inspections, no blisters, swelling, excessive oxide layer, or other surface defects were found. The interpretation of X-ray radiographic images clearly shows a homogeneous fuel profile, no evidence of sub-surface defects, and a burn-up profile that matches the results of the gamma scanning test. Based on non-destructive post-irradiation examination, the overall performance of the PEB U3Si2/Al density of 4.8 gU/cm3 during irradiation on the RSG-GAS core was excellent. 


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How to Cite

Sigit, R., Artika, R., Rahmatullah, H. F., Ismarwanti, S., Br. Ginting, A., & Supardjo. (2023). UJI PASCA IRADIASI PELAT ELEMEN BAKAR U3Si2/Al DENSITAS 4,8 gU/cm3 PADA BURNUP 60%: PENGAMATAN VISUAL, RADIOGRAFI SINAR-X DAN ANALISIS CITRA. Urania: Jurnal Ilmiah Daur Bahan Bakar Nuklir, 28(3), 135–142. https://doi.org/10.17146/urania.2022.28.3.6786