RFW, Radioisotope, Lutesium-177, ORIGENAbstract
The types and production of radioactive waste continue to increase with the development of the use of technology so that good management is needed so as not to endanger the community or the environment. Production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine is one of the sources of radioactive waste produced by nuclear reactors. Several radiosotopes produced at the G.A Siwabessy Multipurpose Reactor (RSG–GAS) core include Molybdenum-99, Iodine-125, Iridium-192 and Lutesium-177 (177Lu). The characterization of the 177Lu production waste was carried out using the ORIGEN2 computer program with the aim of obtaining the characteristics of the RFW waste to obtain an appropriate waste treatment technique. In this study, a characterization of radioactive waste was carried out on the production of the radioisotope 177Lu from Target Lu2O3 at various CIP positions at a power of 15 MWt and 30 MWt with a long irradiation time at each power level for 8 and 12 days. In radioisotope production, the target is irradiated in the RSG-GAS core irradiation facility, the target is placed in a quartz ampoule which is then placed in a capsule in aluminum. Then the aluminum inner capsule is inserted into the outer capsule and placed into the irradiation position. After irradiation targeting and then taking 177Lu radioisotope. Sampling of radioisotopes after irradiation forms several types of waste. One of them is radioactive fission waste (RFW) as a by-product with different properties. Apart from the target, radioactive waste can also be generated from the target capsule. Target irradiation makes the target capsule made of quartz and aluminum also activated and becomes radioactive. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the activity concentration of the waste produced by the radioisotope 177Lu. The results of the characterization of RFW waste using the ORIGEN2 computer program with flux variations at various CIP positions at a power of 15 MWt and 30 MWt with an irradiation period of 8 and 12 days obtained a total concentration of waste activity from the production of 177Lu radioisotope which has an activity concentration between 1,06x1016 – 1,24x1016 Bq/g. Therefore, the RFW radioactive waste produced by 177Lu is classified as moderate radioactive waste based on the Government Regulation on radioactive waste management and requires careful management to ensure safety.
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