Modeling Indonesian Motor Vehicle Tax Coefficients Based on Machine Learning Emission Data
carbon monoxide, Coefficient tax, hydrocarbons, machine learning, neural network, nitrogen oxides, orange data mining, vehicle emissionAbstract
This study utilized machine learning-based modeling to predict motor vehicle tax coefficients in Indonesia based on vehicle emission data. Three machine learning algorithms, namely Random Forest (RF), AdaBoost (AB), and Neural Network (NN), were employed to develop regression models for the tax coefficients. The research process involved data pre-processing, exploratory data analysis, feature ranking, and regression modeling. Model evaluation was performed using metrics such as Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Coefficient of Determination (R2). The findings revealed that all three algorithms produced tax coefficient models for diesel vehicles with R2 values approaching 1. Among them, NN achieved the highest R2 value of 0.987, followed by RF with 0.986 and AB with 0.985. NN also performed the best in terms of MSE (0.023), RMSE (0.152), but MAE (0.076) achieved by RF for diesel vehicles. For gasoline vehicles, the NN algorithm yielded an R2 value of 0.970, while RF and AB algorithms resulted in R2 values of 0.969 and 0.946, respectively. NN also obtained the best MSE (0.086), RMSE (0.293), and MAE (0.122) values achieved by RF for gasoline vehicles. These results indicate that the tax coefficient models developed using RF, AB, and ANN algorithms effectively fit the measurement data. These models can support policymakers in formulating taxation regulations based on emission levels and vehicle fuel types, encouraging the adoption of environmentally friendly vehicles. Furthermore, they have the potential to reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality through more effective taxation regulations
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