arkeologi industry, prospek di Indonesia, industrial archaeology, prospect in IndonesiaAbstract
Abstrak. Tulisan ini merupakan pemikiran awal bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan kajian arkeologi industri (industrial archaeology) di Indonesia. Pertimbangannya ialah arkeologi industri telah lama di kenal di Eropa khususnya di Inggris tetapi di Indonesia merupakan sebuah hal yang baru. Indonesia memiliki peninggalan industri, namun selama ini penelitian arkeologi yang menaruh perhatian pada arkeologi industri belum dilakukan secara optimal.
Industri-industri tua tersebut saat ini banyak yang telah punah tenggelam oleh kemajuan zaman, namun masih ada yang bertahan. Peninggalan material industri yang berasal zaman kolonisasi oleh Belanda menjadi bukti-bukti arkeologis tentang aktivitas industri pada masa lampau. Pokok-pokok pemikiran yang tertuang di dalam tulian ini meliputi pengertian arkeologi industri dan sejarah perkembangannya di Eropa, latar belakang pertumbuhan industri di Indonesia, ranah arkeologi industri di Indonesia, prospek penelitian dan pengembangan arkeologi industri di Indonesia. Diharapkan pemikiran yang tertuang dalam tulisan tersebut menjadi langkah awal untuk memajukan arkeologi industri di Indonesia.
Kata Kunci: arkeologi industry, prospek di Indonesia
Abstract. The Prospect of Industrial Archaeology Reserch: a Preliminary Notion. This article is a preliminary notion, which objection is to introduce industrial archaeology in Indonesia. The reasoning is that industrial archaeology has long been known in Europe, UK in particular, but in Indonesia it is a new subject. Although Indonesia has quite many old industrial remains, thus far archaeological investigations with industrial archaeology as the main focus have not been optimally performed.
Many of the old industries have now perished due to modernization. However, there are still some that survive. Remains of industrial activities from the Dutch colonial period are the archaeological evidences about the industrial activities in the olden days. The main considerations in this article include the definition of industrial archaeology and its development history in Indonesia, the domain of industrial archaeology in Indonesia, the prospect of research and development of indus- trial archaeology in Indonesia. It is hoped that the notions in this article can be the initial step to develop industrial archaeology in Indonesia.
Keywords: industrial archaeology, prospect in Indonesia
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