Failure of Bilateral Diplomacy on Irian Barat (Papua) Dispute (1950-1954)


  • Siswanto Center for Political Studies, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences


the Netherlands, Indonesia, status quo, Irian Barat (Papua), Diplomacy


Fundamentally, Irian Barat (Papua) dispute between The Netherlands–Indonesia was a territorial
conflict or an overlapping claim. The Netherlands as the former colonialist did not want to leave Irian Barat
(Papua) or remained still in the region, meanwhile Indonesia as the former colony denied the Netherlands
status quo policy in Irian Barat (Papua). Potential dispute of the Irian Barat (Papua) was begun in the Round
Table Conference (RTC) 1949. There was a point of agreement in RTC which regulates status quo on Irian
Barat (Papua) and it was approved by Head of Indonesia Delegation, Mohammad Hatta and Van Maarseven,
Head of the Netherlands Delegation. As a mandate of the RTC in 1950s there was a diplomacy on Irian Barat
(Papua) in Jakarta and Den Haag. Upon the diplomacy, there were two negotiations held by diplomats of both
countries, yet it never reached a result. As a consequence, in 1954 Indonesia Government decided to stop
the negotiation and searched for other ways as a solution for the dispute. At the present time, Jakarta-Papua
relationship is relatively better and it is based on a special autonomy, which gives great authority to the Local
Government of Papua.


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