Analysis Of Iran’s Foreign Policy In The Syrian Conflict And The Stakes Of National Interest Of Countries


  • Asep Kamaluddin Nashir Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta


Iranian Foreign Policy Model, Syrian Conflict, Regional Interests


This paper aims to analyze Iran’s foreign policy formulation model in the conflict in Syria. Furthermore, this paper tries to identify Iran’s foreign policy formulation model as a response to the Syrian conflict. This writing uses a qualitative research method, that emphasizes case studies of Iran’s foreign policy in the Syrian conflict by emphasizing literature studies that focus on official documents, reports, and certain international analyses, which are used to collect some data to provide an overview of the focus of analysis. Theoretically, Lovell’s thoughts on models of foreign policy formulation and adaptation as a response to external conditions, namely leadership, accommodative, confrontative, and concordance strategy are used as an analytical tool to analyze Iran’s foreign policy formulation and response in the Syrian conflict. The findings in this paper explain that Iran’s foreign policy formulation is more influenced by leadership factors where the domestic political system emphasizes the importance of achieving national interests, namely economics, and security. While the implementation or response of Iran’s foreign policy is more confrontative considering that Iran’s involvement is more likely to encourage an increase in conflict escalation against countries in opposition to Iran while protecting the Syrian regime under Assad. The results of this article illustrate that a country’s foreign policy is influenced by the political system that characterizes the nation while also explaining the importance of foreign policy responses by national interests even though confrontational interactions are ultimately a consequence of foreign policy implementation.

Author Biography

Asep Kamaluddin Nashir, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta

Department of International Relations


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