The Role of Women in the Reformulation of Indonesia's Foreign Policy in the Era of Minister Retno Marsudi to Achieve World Peace


  • Laode Muhamad Fathun UPN Veteran Jakarta


Indonesia peace, security, women, Reno Marsudi


Although international relations have experienced many rapid developments, especially since the end of the Cold War and increasing interdependence as a result of globalization, it cannot be denied that the issue of peace and security remains a central issue. So, it is natural that developments on this issue continue to get significant recognition from every country, including Indonesia which continues to prove its desire to be able to contribute better. This is in line with one of the three objectives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, namely Indonesia's leadership and role in influential international cooperation and can be demonstrated among them through the role of initiator, mediator and facilitator. Indonesia's contribution to peace and security issues concretely can be seen from Indonesia's success in becoming a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2019-2020. Under the leadership of Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi since 2014 until now, there is an interesting aspect to be discussed but still in the same context, that is Indonesia's initiative to consistently initiate the promotion of the role of women in the issue of world peace and security.


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