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dadang suhendar
Ika Rahmatul Layly
Gabriela Christy Sabbathini
Deden Rosid Waltam
Edi Wahjono
Catur Sriherwanto
Haniyya Haniyya


Lipase is applied to hydrolyzethe residual oil or fat in palm oil mill effluent (POME), which serves as a feedstock for biogas production. A bacterial isolate (Bacillus velezensis) exhibiting lipase activity, previously obtained from Malimping, Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia, underwentsequential treatments of gamma irradiation (1, 2, and 3 kGy), EMS (ethyl methane sulfonate) mutagenesis (0.5% v/v), and NTG (N-methyl N-nitrosoguanidine) (1 mg mL-1). Following each mutation, lipase activities of the mutant colonies were measured and compared to the wild-type strain. The results revealed that all mutated B. velezensiscolonies exhibited lipase activity values (7.78 ± 0.80 –9.05 ± 0.23 U mL-1) that were not significantly different from the wild-type isolate (8.31 ± 0.01 U mL-1), indicating strong bacterial resistance against the mutagenic treatments. The crude lipase preparation effectively hydrolyzed POME, resulting in a reduction of the COD value (from 131,450 ppm to 88,450 ppm) and O&G content (from 41,400 mg L-1to 5,770 mg L-1) within a 72-hour timeframe.

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How to Cite
suhendar, dadang, Layly, I. R., Sabbathini, G. C., Waltam, D. R., Wahjono, E., Sriherwanto, C., & Haniyya, H. (2023). MUTATION OF LIPASE-PRODUCING BACTERIAL ISOLATE FROM PALM OIL EFFLUENT FOR FAT HYDROLYSIS ON POME. Jurnal Bioteknologi Dan Biosains Indonesia, 10(1), 11–21. Retrieved from


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