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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Before making submission/s, please read our copyright statement here. By making submission/s, you are agreeing to our copyright terms.
  • Before making submission/s, please read our licensing statement here. By making submission/s, you are agreeing to those terms.
  • Before making submissions, please read carefully our Author Guidelines here. Submissions that do not comply with our Author Guidelines will be rejected or asked for revisions.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements. Please follow use the style of our Template.
  • We are using double blind peer-review processes, please make sure the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • Please make sure that your submission files is BELOW 25 (twenty five) megabytes. The system is currently not able to accept submission files which are larger than 25 megabytes. To keep the file size small, you can separate the picture(s) from the main text and submit them in Supplementary File section during your submission process.
  • Please make sure that you have format your citations using Mendeley. Unformatted citations by Mendeley may results in rejection of your paper.
This guidelines is covering technical requirements, which will help you to prepare your paper for Berkala Arkeologi. For more general guidelines, please visit the submissions preparation checklist here. You can also find this guidelines applied in the template (Indonesian, English).


  1. Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript through the online manuscript submission system. Submissions by anyone other than one of authors will not be accepted.
  2. Regardless of the source of the word-processing tool, only electronic MS-Word files can be submitted through the online submission system. If for some technical reasons online submission is not successful, the author can submit the manuscript to berkala.arkeologi@kemdikbud.go.id.
  3. All manuscript is obliged to follow BERKALA ARKEOLOGI template (Indonesian, English)
  4. Author is not allowed to submit the same manuscript to other journal when their manuscript is still following editorial process in BERKALA ARKEOLOGI.
  5. For citation and references purposes, Author is obliged using Mendeley.
  6. Articles have never been published and there is no element of plagiarism. See here for our plagiarism check process.
  7. Articles can be in the form of research results (laboratory, field, literature), conceptual ideas, studies, or application of theory.
  8. Articles are written using academic writing principles in Indonesian or English.
  9. Title, abstract and keywords are written in both Indonesian and English.
  10. The manuscript is typed in BOOK ANTIQUA REGULAR font, size 11, single spacing, on A4 size paper with an upper-right margin of 3 cm and a lower-left margin of 4 cm. The length of the article is between 5,000 - 7,000 words including references.


Citations are written in the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th or newer version style. We are using Mendeley as reference manager, Authors are obliged to use Mendeley for their submission in this journal. Failure in fulfilling this obligation will result in rejection of your paper. If you are using other reference manager such as: Zotero, Endnotes, etc. you must convert them into Mendeley before submitting your paper. Managing citations by software is easier and will provide consistency in your writing, especially references. Although it is not a must, but we urged you to provide the page number of the cited text whenever possible. If you decided to provide page numbers in you citations, it have to be done using Mendeley and not manually. Citations for more than two (2) must be shortened using et al. Example of citation style that we use are:

  1. Without page numbers, author more than two (Reese-Taylor et al., 2018)
  2. With page numbers, author more than two (Reese-Taylor et al.., 2018, pp. 200–213)
  3. Without page numbers, single author or maximum two (Aldenderfer & Maschner, 2020)
  4. with page numbers, single author or maximum two (Aldenderfer & Maschner, 2020, pp. 20–33)


These structure below in practice will be Heading 1 in the article, and must be adapted as is, no changes allowed. You are welcome to make different Heading 2 and 3, since heading 4 is not permitted.

  1. Abstract (Brief: Introduction - Problems - Methods - Conclusions)
  2. Introduction (Background - Objectives - Hypothesis (optional)- Research design - Theoretical basis - Literature review)
  3. Methods (Including an explanation of the location and time of research - type of research - Data collection techniques - Data analysis methods)
  4. Research Results (Research Data - Analysis / Interpretation)
  5. Discussion (Synthesis of research results -exploring the significance of research results, and not a repetition)
  6. Conclusion (A brief explanation in the form of a complete sentence - Conclusions must answer the research question)
  7. Suggestions / Recommendations (Optional If needed, contains academic recommendations, follow-ups, policy implications)
  8. Author Declaration (authorship statement/ author contribution statement, order and portion of writing if there are more than one author, funding, and conflict of interests statement. Author declaration template provided by Berkala Arkeologi: Indonesian, English.
  9. Acknowledgement (Optional, as a form of appreciation for the parties involved in the preparation of the manuscript)
  10. References (written based on the American style Psychological Association 6th Edition (APA) or newer) - Using Mendeley references manager- Consist of at least 10 references, and 80% of them are primary sources for publications (journals, books, research reports, theses/ dissertations) ) issued in the last ten years
  11. Supplementary


  1. The title is typed in BOOK ANTIQUA REGULAR font, size 12, in bold sentence case format.
  2. The title is written in the same language as the text of the article and followed by the title of the second language underneath it, written in a BOOK ANTIQUA REGULAR font size 12, in bold sentence case format.


  1. Full Name without titles
  2. If the author is more than one, they are separated by commas (,), followed by 'and'.
  3. The name is written in BOOK ANTIQUA REGULAR, size 10.
  4. If the author is more than one, they are numbered in superscript format.
  5. Institution is written in BOOK ANTIQUA REGULAR letter size 9.
  6. The e-mail address is written in size 9 BOOK ANTIQUA REGULAR font.


  1. Abstract is written in Indonesian (150 words) and English (150 words).
  2. Keywords are written in Indonesian and English (4 - 6 words).
  3. Abstract and keywords are written in BOOK ANTIQUA REGULAR, size 9 in sentence case format.
  4. Abstracts using the same language as the text is placed second, after abstracts with different language with the text.


  1. Each table is numbered with Arabic letters (Table 1., etc.).
  2. Each table is given a title written in Segoe UI font size 8, Sentence case.
  3. The table contents are written in Segoe UI font size 8, Sentence case.
  4. At the bottom of the table is given information about the source of the table written in Segoe UI font size 8, Sentence case.


  1. All illustrations in the text are included in the image category and sorted by Arabic numbers (Figure 1., etc.).
  2. The description of the picture is written under each illustration by including the source.
  3. The caption is written written in Segoe UI font size 8, Sentence case.


Authors are obliged to use Mendeley as their reference manager. Failure in fulfilling this obligation will result in rejection of your paper. Please refer to our template about the example of our references style:

  1. Indonesian
  2. English