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In Indonesia, underwater archaeology as a part of maritime study seems to be isolated, because the study has not yet made significant contribution to the understanding of maritime life ways in the archipelago. Various archaeological data needed to reveal the history of human settlement, insular trade, maritime history, migration, and other aspects of maritime culture in the archipelago are still concealed at the bottom of the sea or rivers. On the other hand, the development of underwater archeology in Indonesia is still left far behind compared to other Southeast Asian countries, so the abundant underwater archaeological data are still unreachable. So far, the existing underwater archaeology activities carried out within this largest archipelagic country are still aimed at exploring underwater 'treasure", with very limited concern on archaeological research. On another side, it is certainly aware that a"real" underwater archaeological research require the readiness of both human resources as well as the supporting equipments. Therefore, to develop more proper underwater archaeological activities, it is necessary to establish clear and executable policies and strategy, e.g by improving the quality and quantity of resources, establishing networking, and conducting other potential activities periodically, consistently, with high discipline.
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