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Hari Lelono


Is there a relationship between the sculpting technique and the theme of the story? As is known in the Ciwa and Brahma Temples (the Ramayana story) tells the journey of a noble or king, so it requires complete accessories. On the other hand, in the Vishnu temple, Kresnayana's story tells of Kresna's "life journey" as a "human being" who socializes a lot with the lower community. In terms of the quality of the order, the sequence is as follows: First Ciwa Temple, Second Brahma Temple, and the third Vishnu Temple. Because it is a continuation of the Ramayana story, the Brahma Temple is one level better than that of Vishnu Temple.

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How to Cite
Lelono, H. (2024). KUALITAS PENTATAHAN RELIEF DI KOMPLEKS CANDI PRAMBANAN. Berkala Arkeologi , 16(2), 50–61. https://doi.org/10.30883/jba.v16i2.753


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