About the Journal

Indonesian Journal of Aerospace (IJoA) is a scientific publication of the National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, BRIN) dedicated to the dissemination of scientific knowledge, practical engineering, design methodologies, test and validation, as well as the latest developments related to the fields of aerospace science, technology, and policy. This journal is the transformation of the Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara (JTD) which had been published by the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional, LAPAN) semi-annually since 2003. IJoA also accommodates the other two journals that belong to the same family, Jurnal Sains Dirgantara (JSD) and Jurnal Kajian Kebijakan Penerbangan dan Antariksa (JKKPA). An archive containing articles previously published in those journals can be found here : https://jurnal.lapan.go.id/index.php/jurnal_tekgan/issue/archive.

This journal is an open-access, peer-reviewed international journal that is indexed by Google Scholar, Crossref and the Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (IJSD). Following JTD, IJoA is also indexed by SINTA tier 2.

Current Issue

Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023)
					View Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023)

The Indonesian Journal of Aerospace (IJoA) is serves as a platform for the dissemination of scientific knowledge, practical engineering, design methodologies, test and validation processes, and the latest developments in the aerospace science, technology, and policy domains. Originating from the transformation of the Journal of Aerospace Technology (Jurnal Teknologi Dirgantara, JTD) previously published semi-annually by the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional, LAPAN) since 2003, IJoA also includes two other journals within its scope: the Journal of Aerospace Science (Jurnal Sains Dirgantara, JSD) and the Journal of Aviation and Space Policy Studies (Jurnal Kajian Kebijakan Penerbangan dan Antariksa, JKKPA). A comprehensive archive containing articles from these journals can be accessed here.

In this current issue, we present some studies on the aerodynamics of UAVs.

Published: 30-06-2023


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