Focus and Scope

LIMNOTEK Tropical Inland Waters in Indonesia (Limnotek), currently transforming into Journal Limnology and Water Resources (JLWR), is a peer reviewed bi-annual scientific journal publication. It is co-managed by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in collaboration with the Indonesian Society of Limnology (MLI). 

The journal establishes an integrated understanding of the interface between natural processes of water resources and inland water ecosystems with their human domains. Incorporating broad themes concerning ecology of inland water ecosystems and perspectives regarding sustainable utilizations of the water resources. Science on inland water ecosystems is an applied multi/interdisciplinary field relating to efforts to monitor, manage, and restore both fresh and brackish water ecosystems.

The journal thus underlines significant work that draws on and incorporates elements of hydrology, meteorology, ecology, limnology, ecological economics, and social environmental sciences related to water resources and inland water ecosystems.