Vol. 30 No. 2 (2024)

Advancing Sustainable Water Management Through Research and Innovation
Limnotek transforming into Journal of Limnology and Water Resources (JLWR) continuously focusing and scoping in establishing an integrated understanding of the interface between natural processes of water resources and inland water ecosystems with their human domains.
In this 2024 (2) volume, we present six papers focusing on various topics in limnology and water resources. These include innovative technologies for wastewater treatment, eel conservation, a review of methane flux research, modeling agricultural water demand, water quality assessment of urban lakes and plankton community structure in estuaries — all contributing to the overarching goal of sustainable water resource management.
Aligned with our commitment to lifelong learning, innovation, and growth, we invite our readers to join us in our efforts toward the sustainable use and management of lakes and water resources.