About the Journal
The Annales Bogorienses (eISSN 2407-7518 | pISSN 0517-8452) is a peer-reviewed Journal that is published biannually. First published in 1955, it is now one of the oldest scientific journals in the nation. The Annales Bogorienses publishes original articles in basic and applied research as well as critical reviews and short communication in the fields of life sciences with the emphasis in biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, bioinformatic, and bioengineering.
The Annales Bogorienses is published in English, free to access, and fully managed by Directorate of Repositories, Multimedia, and Scientific Publishing, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN) in 2022. The Annales Bogorienses has been accredited Science and Technology Index (SINTA) Score 2 (S2) 2020-2025 (Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology No. 158/E/KPT/2021, 09 December 2021). It has been indexed in Sinta, Garuda, Google Scholar, ISJD, OAJI, Infobase, DAIJ, CiteFactor, Citeulike.