Assessment of Soil Loss Using RUSLE Method in Mrica Reservoir Catchment, Central Java, Indonesia
Mrica reservoir, RUSLE, soil lossAbstract
The Indonesian government has identified the Serayu Watershed as a priority area for restoration within the National Mid-Term Development Plan. One of the significant challenges in this region is the high level of soil erosion, which threatens the overall ecosystem. This study aims to estimate the amount of soil loss in the Mrica Catchment using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) Method. Various data sources were utilized, including soil type, rainfall, land cover, Digital Elevation Model, and conservation data. Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques were employed to calculate the critical factors required by the RUSLE Method, including soil erodibility (K), rainfall erosivity (Ri), slope length and steepness factor (LS), and cover management and conservation factor (CP). This research provides critical information for land management in Mrica Catchment. These factors were used to estimate soil loss in the Mrica Catchment, revealing a range between 62,553 tons per year (t/y) and 21,323,311 t/y, with an average value of 443.90 ton per hectare per year (t/ha/y). These results indicate high erosion potential based on the Classification of Erosion Hazard (HER). This study provides critical information for land management and offers suggestions for devising effective strategies to mitigate sedimentation impact in the Serayu Watershed. The highest soil loss values according to the RUSLE Method, both under the Environmental and Management Variable, are observed in the same location, namely, in the north of Mrica Catchment. The findings emphasize the urgent need for erosion control measures and sustainable land management practices in this priority restoration area.
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