Vol. 29 No. 2 (2023)

Navigating Challenges in Sustainable Water Management
In this 2023 second edition, our journal delves further into challenges and opportunities in sustainable water and aquatic ecosystem management. The declared "decade of water" emphasizes the urgency of addressing global water issues, and this journal strives to answer this challenge.
We are grateful to present our refined publication this year, which features critical topics, such as catchment-scale erosion and the dynamics of hydro-chemical, pesticide accumulation on fish and sediment, floodplain lake biodiversity, and GHG emission mitigation in Asia.
This edition reflects the dedication of our contributors as well as our commitment to advancing water sciences, fostering global recognition for Limnotek, and serving as a communication platform. This small step is a part of our broader commitment to foster sustainable water and aquatic ecosystem management.
In the spirit of continual learning, living, and growing, we invite our readers to join us on this transformative journey. As we navigate the waters of global challenges, we remain steadfast in the pursuit of knowledge and solutions that contribute to a sustainable and harmonious coexistence with our aquatic environments. Together, let us strive for a future where clean water is not just a necessity but a shared responsibility and a testament to the resilience of the global scientific community.