Vol. 29 No. 1 (2023)

Demand for clean water has rapidly increased over the decade. This decade has been declared as the decade of water, which reflects the imperative of sustainable water and aquatic system management. Limnotek: Perairan darat tropis di Indonesia, one of the leading journals in Indonesia concerning the challenges over sustainable aquatic ecosystems, is answering the call by transforming to a global Journal entitled Journal of Limnology and Water Resources. This transformation is aimed to expand the communication among global scientific communities and stakeholders by highlighting further interdisciplinary issues related to both limnology and water resources sciences.
Although there has been a year's delay in our publication due to managerial issues and the transformation of the umbrella institution (BRIN), we are sincerely grateful that we can continue our new and polished publication this year. This current issue comprises critical topics such as the use of biotas to overcome the challenges of the reduction of polluted waters, the threat and potential control of alien invasive species, and research to aid the mitigation of hydroclimatic disasters.
Our continuing hard work can bring the journal to global acknowledgment as well as provide a better communication platform among the readers. Last but not least, this small step can lead to sustainable water and aquatic ecosystem management. We learn, we live, and we grow!