Editorial Team

Editor in Chief            

Dr. Fakhriati, M.A. Scopus ID  Google Scholar ID  National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia


Managing Editor          

Agus Iswanto, MA.Hum. Scopus ID Google Scholar ID



Muhamad Rosadi, M.A. Google Scholar ID

Husnul Fahima Ilyas, M.A.Hum. Scopus ID Google Scholar ID

Mahmudah Nur, S.Pd.I. Google Scholar ID

Moch. Lukluil Maknun, M.A.Scopus ID Google Scholar ID 

Mulyadi, S.S. Google Scholar ID

Dr. Suyami, M.Hum., Scopus ID Google Scholar ID 

Drs. Sumarno, Google Scholar ID


Copy Editor

Iskandar Syahputera, M.Pd. Google Scholar ID

Khairul Fuad, S.Ag., M.Ag. Google Scholar ID

Ayu Widyawati



Basori, M.Hum. Google Scholar ID

As Rakhmad Idris, Lc., M.Hum. Scopus ID Google Scholar ID  


Layout and Design Editor

Dicky Wahyudy