Focus and Scope

Focus and Scope of TAMBO: Journal of Manuscripts and Oral Traditions


TAMBO (ISSN: .....) is dedicated to disseminating the latest research findings and literary studies in the fields of Manuscripts, Literature, and Oral Traditions, bridging the gap between local contexts and global academic discourse. Our mission is to provide an extensive platform for researchers, academics, and observers to contribute scholarly articles that align with the journal's focus and scope.


Tambo: Journal of Manuscripts and Oral Traditions covers the following areas:

  • Manuscripts: This section encompasses studies related to manuscript preservation, as well as philological, codicological, and paleographic research.

  • Literature: This category includes stone-printed manuscripts (lithography) and contemporary literary studies.

  • Oral Traditions: This section explores various aspects of the cognitive systems within society, such as customs, history, ethics, medicine, genealogical systems, laws, rituals, and knowledge systems that have been passed down through generations in the archipelago.