Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process at TAMBO Journal

TAMBO Journal follows a double-blind peer review policy, ensuring that the identities of authors and articles remain concealed until acceptance for further review and publication. Each submitted article is evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Originality of Scientific Work: The article should present original scientific contributions.

  2. Alignment of Methodology and Research Topic: The research methodology should align with the investigated topic.

  3. Thorough Analysis: The article should offer a comprehensive analysis of the presented data or materials.

  4. Effective Communication with Readers: Articles should communicate their findings clearly and effectively.

  5. Reviewer Recommendations: The final decision on whether to accept or reject an article may consider reviewer recommendations.

The typical manuscript screening and evaluation process takes approximately four to six months from the submission date.

Articles submitted to TAMBO Journal can be in either Indonesian or English, but abstracts must be provided in both languages.

The Editor of TAMBO Journal holds the discretion to determine whether an article meets the journal's standards and objectives for publication, taking into account the results of the peer review process.

We sincerely appreciate the invaluable contributions of our reviewers in maintaining the scholarly quality of the articles we publish. Thank you for your participation in the peer review process.