Author Guidelines
- Manuscript is an outcome of research project which has not been reviewed/published in any other journals/publishers.
- Manuscript is about trade or other related topics.
- Manuscript is written using standard convention in Bahasa Indonesia or in English.
- Author should include a cover letter which states that the manuscript is an original work and has met the criteria, as well as the code of ethics in scientific publication (free from plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification) based on Policy issued by the head of LIPI Number 8, 2013 and Number 5, 2014.
- If the manuscript is written by some authors/a group of researchers which is possibly published by other members; it should enclose a letter of agreement from other researchers/authors.
- Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: Title, Authors Detail, Abstract, Keywords, JEL, Classification, Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation for Policy, Acknowledgement, References.
- Style guidelines:
- Manuscript is prepared in A4 paper, 1,5 space, Arial 12; using the following margins:
- Top to 2,5 cm;
- Bottom to 2,5 cm;
- Left to 3 cm;
- Right to 2,5 cm.
- Title is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English which does not exceed 15 words. Title should describe the manuscript as a whole.
- Title in Bahasa Indonesia should be written in capital letter, bold, center; while that of in English should be written in the beginning in capital letter, italic, bold, and center.
- Authors’ name should be printed without academic titles in the center of the page. Institution, address of the institution, and email address are placed in one line, and in the center.
- Abstract is written in one paragraph in Bahasa Indonesia, and one paragraph in English; using single space, Arial font 11, 150-200 words. English abstract is typed in italic.
- Keywords consists of 3-5 words and are placed below the abstract of Bahasa Indonesia and English.
- Include JEL Classification which can be accessed via this link class system.php. - Tables and figures should be presented on top or in the bottom of the document, not in the middle of the page/between sentences.
- Table formats:
- Title of table is typed in Arial 12, bold, placed directly above a table, left margin
- Title of table is identified using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3,...)
- Source of table is typed paralled to the text under the table
- Table content is typed in single space
- Table line is only presented on header and footer of the table, whereas vertical line is not shown, and table is editable
- Figures format:
- Title of figure is typed in Arial 12, bold, placed directly under figure, left margin
- Title of figure is identified using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3,...)
- Information of figure is placed under title of figure
- Information of figure is typed in Arial 10, and placed under the source
- Resolution of figure is minimally 300 dpi and editable
- Formula of equation is typed on separate lines and numbered consecutively in parentheses (justify),paralleled to the line, and using right margin. For instance:
- Formula is written in one paragraph without using equal symbol (=), each statement is written underneath the formula notation.
For instance:- x : export value
- a : import value
- A source of reference in text (in-text reference) is written with last name of author and year, while translation work is written by mentioning the name of the original author.
For instance:
- Bossche (2012) in his paper .....
- Some facilities in a harbor ..... (Suyono, 2005)
- Manuscript is prepared in A4 paper, 1,5 space, Arial 12; using the following margins:
- ABSTRACT provides a brief overview of the article on the whole covering the problems, goals, methods, results, and policy recommendations.
- INTRODUCTION gives details of background (research significance), formulation of problems/questions, theory and related work, hypothesis (optional), and research objectives.
- METHODS articulate the detail of time and context of research (optional), tools/data collection methods, and analysis methods.
- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION presents and analyse the findings thoroughly.
Conclusion should answer the research problems/questions, whereas policy recommendation should provide policy formulation and how it relates to the research findings. - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
- REFERENCES are arranged alphabetically based on APA style. The total number of references should be at least 10 and 80% of them are taken from main/primary references which have been published in five years. The primary references should specifically refer to the topic related to the article. These references could be taken from scientific articles published in international journals or national accredited journals, research reports from doctoral/PhD thesis, and masters or undergraduate thesis.
- Reference style
Reference format follows the APA style available in this link It highly recommended to use references or management software such as EndNote or Mendeley.- Reference from books:
Firdausy, C. M. (2005). Menapak Globalisasi Ekonomi.Jakarta: Yayasan Obor.
Books written by similar author/s and published in the same year should be followed by symbol of a, b, c etc for the year of publication.The order should be made by its chronology or alphabetically by the title of the books.
Masyhuri. (2006a). Landasan Filosofis Ekonomi Islam. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Lentera.
Masyhuri. (2006b). Teori Ekonomi Dalam Islam. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Lentera.
- Reference from an edited book (with editors) should be writted ed if there is only one editor, and eds if there are more than one editor.
Masyhuri. (2006). Landasan Filosofis Ekonomi Islam. Dalam Masyhuri (Ed.). Teori Ekonomi Dalam Islam. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Lentera.
- In text reference from a book written by a group of authors presented by writing the last name of the first author with colleauges or et. al (other authors). However, all authors’ name should be completely written in list of reference.
The complete version:
Whitten, J.L.,Bentley, L.D., S.K., Steven, Dittman, K.C. (2004). Systems Analysis and Design Methods. Indianapolis: McGraw-Hill Education. - Reference from journal article
Asra, A. (2012). Trade Pattern and Welfare Impacts. Journal of ABC, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 35 – 29.
Muhri, K., T. Widayanti, dan A. Adang. (2012). Indonesia Competitiveness Among ASEAN Countries. Journal of XYZ, Vol. 3 (5), pp.200-225.
- Reference from article taken from magazines or newspaper
Sabdul, K. (2012). Harga Daging Sapi Menanjak Terus Menjelang Bulan Puasa. Bisnis Indonesia, 5 Juni.
- Reference from newspaper without authors
Kompas. (2012, 4 Juni). Harga Gula Makin Meroket.
- Reference from government official document published by a publisher without any author or affiliation
Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perdagangan. 2014. Jakarta.
- Reference from an institution and written as that institution
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. (2011). Pedoman Akreditasi Majalah Ilmiah. Jakarta: LIPI Press.
- Reference in the form of undergraduate, masters and PhD thesis
Ismail, A. (2007). Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengukuran Kinerja Jurusan Teknik Industri. Skripsi. Padang: Program Sarjana Universitas Andalas.
- Reference from a paper presented in a seminar, a forum, or a workshop
Krisnamurthi, B. (2014). Opportunities and Challenges: Regional & Global of CPO within the Context of Aviation Biofuel Implementation and ISPO Standard. Makalah: Disajikan pada Workshop Indonesia Initiatives on Energy Farming & Sustainable Abiation Biofuel and the ISPO/RSPO Standard pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2014 di Kementerian Perhubungan Jakarta.
- Reference from the Internet
Online. (2012). Sumber dari Internet Tentang Perdagangan. Diunduh tanggal 23 April 2012 dari
- Reference from online news/magazine
Kompas. (2011, Januari 24). Hadapi Perdagangan Internasional dengan SNI. Diunduh tanggal 30 November 2012 dari
- Reference from books:
- All manuscript sent to us should follow the correct format/template available in the website, you can download it here. You can also download this guideline here.