About the Journal

First published in 2007, Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan (BILP) is a scientific journal published by the The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN Publishing). Previously this Journal was manage by Trade Analysis dan Development Agency (Badan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Perdagangan - BPPP), Ministry of Trade, Republic of Indonesia. Start mid this year (2022), this Journal move to BRIN because of the Policy of the Government about research.

This bulletin is expected to be a media of dissemination and analysis of research results to be used as references for academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and the general public. BILP publishes report of research and analysis of trade sector and/or sector-related trade which have not been published in any other journals/scholarly publications, either in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Publishing twice a year in July and December, this Bulletin is directly disseminated to stakeholders in online publication.

Previous Archive of this Journal can be accessed at : http://jurnal.kemendag.go.id/bilp

Journal Name : Buletin Litbang Ilmiah Perdagangan
ISSN (Electronic) : 2528-2751
ISSN (Print) : 1979-9187
Country : Indonesia
Language : Indonesia, English
Frequency : 2 Issue per year
Accreditation : Sinta 2 by Kemendikbudristek
Publisher : BRIN Publishing
DOI : 10.55981/bilp
Editor In Chief : Prof. Dr. Ir. Erwidodo, MS.
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Dimensions | Scopus
OAI : https://ejournal.brin.go.id/bilp/oai

Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): BILP
Published: 2024-12-13


  • SWOT Analysis of Indonesia's Trade in Services in Facing The ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement (ATISA)

    Jerry Sambuaga, Endah Ayu Ningsih
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.55981/bilp.2024.7084
  • Global Dominance in Crude Palm Oil (CPO): Strategic Factors Shaping Indonesia's Competitive Edge-A Panel Data Approach

    Kenny Pradipta Montoya Putra Pratama, Cindy Putri Sukmawati, Ali Zainal Abidin
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.55981/bilp.2024.7205
  • Persepsi Konsumen terhadap Merek Minyak Goreng Sawit Kemasan di Indonesia

    Romeyn Perdana Putra, Yudha Purbawa, I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti, Nidya J. Astrini, Helena Juliani Purba, Sik Sumaedi, Diah Arina Fahmi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.55981/bilp.2024.2584
  • Bentuk Profil Subsektor Teh Indonesia dan Lanskap Persaingan Produksi dan Perdagangan Teh Dunia pada Masa Datang

    Muhammad Ibnu
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.55981/bilp.2024.3621
  • Investigasi Ekspor Pakaian Jadi Indonesia: Daya Saing, Determinan, dan Barier

    Muhammad Arief Fadhilah, Widyastutik, Iwan Hermawan
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.55981/bilp.2024.5542
  • Apakah Global Value Chain (GVC) Memengaruhi Permintaan Tenaga Kerja? Studi Empiris dari Industri Manufaktur Indonesia Tahun 2010–2015

    Febria Ramana, Arie Damayanti
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.55981/bilp.2024.792
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