Peer Review Process
Reviewer Kalpataru competent in archaeology, ethnography, geology, biology, anthropology, history, culture, etc and also able to work professionally by upholding the ethical code of scientific publication as Reviewer. The peer-review Process of Kalpataru manuscripts is as follows:
Every manuscript that goes to KALPATARU and goes through the publishing process is free of any cost. The process includes sending the manuscript, editing process, publishing, publication, archiving, and maintenance.
The reviewer conducts a review (review process) manuscript according to their scientific filed. If the manuscript does not match the field of competence, a reviewer has the right to refuse and transferred to other reviewers who more competent.
The review process uses a double-blind review which is the reviewer does not know the author’s identity and vice versa.
The review process is done by two reviewer. The step is carried out by the E-journal system.
The reviewer reviews the manuscript within a maximum period of 3 from the acceptance of the manuscript. The review process is based on the substance of the manuscript (article quality), including reviewing:
- The accuracy of the title
- The suitability of the problems, objectives, theories, methods, and discussion.
- The clarity in the presentation of images, tables, and diagrams
- Whether or not the manuscript has been published elsewhere.
- The most recent references
- Comprehensive knowledge of the authors
- The originality of the information
- False facts
- Evaluate the content of the manuscript