Kalpataru is an open-access and peer-reviewed scientific publication on the prehistory of Southeast Asia and its surrounding areas. Initially released in 1985 as a thematic journal, it was published biannually by the National Research Centre of Archaeology. Starting in the 2022 edition, Kalpataru is under the co-management of the Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) and Perkumpulan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia (IAAI), shifting its journal's focus to a prehistoric archaeology theme with the scope of materials such as culture, humans, and environment during the prehistoric and proto-historic periods. The perspectives from cross-disciplines other than archaeology, both hard sciences and soft sciences, are welcome. Kalpataru is published biannually in July and December. It has been awarded Certificate of Accreditation No. 30/E/KPT/2019 as Sinta (Science and Technology Index) 2 Grade Journal from Director General of Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education.
- Journal Title : KALPATARU | Abbreviation : KPT
- ISSN : 0126-3099 (Print) 2550-0449 (online) | DOI Prefiks: 10.55981/kpt.
- Managed by : Perkumpulan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia (IAAI)
- Published by : Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
- Periodicity: Biannual | First semester : July | Second semester: December
- Accreditation Number 721/AU/P2MI-LIPI/04/2016 (LIPI) 30/E/KPT/2019 (Kemenristekdikti)
# KALPATARU VOL 33 | NO 1 and 2 | 2024
Starting in the 2022 edition, Kalpataru is shifting its journal's focus into a prehistoric archaeology theme with the scope of materials such as cultures, humans, and environments during the prehistory and proto-history period in Indonesia's archipelago, Asia-Pacific, and globally as well. The perspective from cross-disciplines other than archaeology are welcome, both hard sciences and soft sciences.
The announcement of the call for papers and the upcoming volume issue is published on the website. Submission to Kalpataru adopts the open journal system with professional and transparent reviews.
We are pleased to invite researchers or academics to publish the articles in the upcoming issue of the KALPATARU Journal (Vol 33 | No. 1 and 2 | 2024). The paper must be original and had not been previously accepted in any journal or under consideration for publication.
Template document that you will use below is made with the actual layout of our published articles.
It is fundamental that the submissions made by the authors are subject to the following author guidelines.
Vol. 32 No. 2 (2023)
KALPATARU Volume 32 Number 2 of 2023 presents five articles from Indonesian researchers who discuss research on the theme of prehistory and proto-history in the archipelago. The first article in this paper is entitled Characteristics of Prehistoric Austronesian Pottery around Lake Singkarak, Solok, West Sumatra which describes petrographic and SEM analysis of pottery fragments from sites around Lake Singkarak which shows that the decorative patterns on the pottery can show cultural history and life of the maker. The second article is entitled Holocene Crab Consumption in Watinglo, Papua New Guinea. This article reviews the use of crabs as a food source by prehistoric people since the early Holocene at archaeological sites on the coast of Papua New Guinea. The third article entitled Perforated Stone Discs and Enigmatic Grooved Stones from Three Cave Sites in Sumatra, reviews lithic artifacts in the form of hollow stones and scratched stones which are rarely studied by prehistoric researchers in the archipelago. This article shows that the distribution of these artifact finds is mostly in Southeast Asia, from mainland to Sumatra and is related to inland aquatic culture. The fourth article is entitled Experimental Process of First Iron Based on the Montalat Iron Site in Central Kalimantan - Indonesia, which shows that people in Central Kalimantan have long succeeded in mastering the skills of making iron from raw materials available in nature. The fifth article is entitled Burial System on Karakelang Island, Talaud Regency, North Sulawesi, which examines research on burial sites on Karakaleng Island, Talaud Island. This article explains that the sites discovered show the skill of prehistoric people in adapting to the island environment.
Published: 2023-12-30