Journal Statistics
KALPATARU records 39 articles and 56 Scopus citations for its published articles, collected from Scopus database.
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Export date: November, 9th 2023.
Cited by:
- Simatupang, D. E. (2023, June 1). “Overview of the Law Number 5 Of 2017 About Cultural Advancement for Managing Cultural Heritage Kawal Darat Shells Hill (BKKD) Area in Bintan Island.” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1188(1), 012037.
Cited by:
- Keling, G., Sumerata, I. W., Hidayah, A. R., Haribuana, I. P. Y., Bawono, R. A., Harbowo, D. G., Savitri, M., Ardiana, I. W., Sugiartha, N., Gina, I. K., & Sugata, I. N. (2023, July). New evidence on prehistoric settlement in Song Toyapakeh, an underwater cave in Nusa Penida, Bali. L’Anthropologie, 127(3), 103160.
- Adhityatama, S., Triwurjani, R., Yurnaldi, D., Janssen, R., Khoiru Dhony, M. D., Suryatman, Abbas, A., Lukman, A., & Bulbeck, D. (2022, March). Pulau Ampat site: A submerged 8th century iron production village in Matano Lake, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Archaeological Research in Asia, 29, 100335.
- Ward, I., Bastos, A., Carabias, D., Cawthra, H., Farr, H., Green, A., & Sturt, F. (2022, January 1). Submerged Palaeolandscapes of the Southern Hemisphere (SPLOSH) – What is emerging from the Southern Hemisphere. World Archaeology, 54(1), 6–28.
Cited by:
- Adhityatama, S., Triwurjani, R., Yurnaldi, D., Janssen, R., Khoiru Dhony, M. D., Suryatman, Abbas, A., Lukman, A., & Bulbeck, D. (2022, March). Pulau Ampat site: A submerged 8th century iron production village in Matano Lake, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Archaeological Research in Asia, 29, 100335.
- Suryatman, Triwurjani, R., Adhityatama, S., Bulbeck, D., Yurnaldi, D., Murdihastomo, A., Wahyudiono, J., Abdullah, & Dimas Khoiru Dhony, M. (2021, April). Flaking stone activity in the tradition of iron smelting from the 8th to 17th centuries AD in the Matano region, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 36, 102817.
Cited by:
- Handini, R., Noerwidi, S., Sofian, H. O., Fauzi, M. R., Prasetyo, U., Geria, I. M., Ririmasse, M., Nasution, D. A. A., Rahayuni, R. A., & Simanjuntak, T. (2023, July). New evidence on the early human occupation in Sumba Islands. L’Anthropologie, 127(3), 103152.
- Poerwoningsih, D., Tutut Subadyo, A., Wahjutami, E. L., Santoso, I., & Winansih, E. (2022). Bioregion Concept for the Landscape of Traditional Village in West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Conserving Biocultural Landscapes in Malaysia and Indonesia for Sustainable Development, 33–50.
- Setiadi A.; Lewen A. (2023).Dynamics of Form and the Meanings of Settlement Architecture in the Pasunga Village, Central Sumba, Indonesia. ISVS e-journal. Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 238 - 248
Cited by:
- Kusumawardhani, R. A., Kurniawan, K. R., & Zuhdi, S. (2022). The Early Morphology of Banten Cosmopolitan Port City in the 16th Century. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Architecture, Materials and Construction, 472–478.
Cited by:
- Novita, A., Wardoyo Adi, A. M., Prasetyo, S. E., Alnoza, M., Atmodjo, J. S., & Wibisono, S. C. (2021). Maritime Historical Archaeology Research at Balok River, Belitung Island. E3S Web of Conferences, 324, 04002.
Cited by:
- Setiadi, H., Rizqihandari, N., Setiadi, A., Fikri, G. I., & Indratmoko, S. (2022, December 23). Rural Capitalization and Agrarian Transformation in the Ciwidey Highlands, West Java, Indonesia. Journal of Regional and City Planning, 33(3), 281–299.
Cited by:
- Azis, B., Safrilia, A., & Wijaya, I. B. A. (2023). Interior of surya optical store historical building in malang with 3D reconstruction. 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACHIEVING THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS.
- Umar, M. Z., & Kadir, I. (2020). Physical test of tiles made in simple way. AIP Conference Proceedings.
Cited by:
- Fadillah, M. A. (2023, July 15). Pinggiran Selatan Kota Banten: Investigasi Arkeologi Situs Lawang Abang. Archipel, 105, 3–35.
Cited. by:
- KADIR, A., SUHARNO, S., REAWARUW, Y., KOMARI, K., & MAHUZE, A. (2021, December 28). Ethnobotanical knowledge of Marind-Anim Tribe in utilizing sago (Metroxylon sagu) in Merauke, Papua, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(1).
Cited by:
- Kurt, Z., Ustabaş, L., & Cakmak, T. (2023, February 17). Novel binder material in geopolymer mortar production: Obsidian stone powder. Structural Concrete, 24(4), 5600–5613.
- Fauzi, M. R., Oktaviana, A. A., Ansyori, M. M., Noerwidi, S., Prastiningtyas, D., Prasetyo, S. E., Budiman, Widianto, H., Handini, R., Awe, R. D., & Simanjuntak, T. (2023, July). The Excavation of Gua Harimau’s Western Gallery: A Contribution to the Terminal Pleistocene-Early Holocene archaeological records in Sumatra. L’Anthropologie, 127(3), 103156.
- Solihin, S., Firdausi, S. H., Triwardono, J., & Prakosa, T. (2022, April 7). The analysis of nickel-obsidian composite formation on mild steel surface through electrocodeposition process. Analytical Sciences, 38(5), 769–776.
- Solihin, S., Rizqiadi, A., & Handayani, I. (2020, July 24). An Analysis of the Formation Mechanism of Geopolymer Made from Obsidian Mineral and Its Potential Application as a Slow Release Fertilizer. Analytical Sciences, 36(11), 1401–1405.
- Fauzi, M. R., Intan, F. S., & Wibowo, A. S. (2019, April). Newly discovered cave art sites from Bukit Bulan, Sumatra: Aligning prehistoric symbolic behavior in Indonesian prehistory. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 24, 166–174.
- Rangkuti, N., & Fauzi, M. R. (2019, March). Archaeological evidence from Purwo Agung site (Karang Agung Tengah): A new perspective on Pre-Srivijayan settlement in the coastal area of South Sumatra. Archaeological Research in Asia, 17, 193–203.
Cited by:
- Widjaja, F. I. (2022, June 22). Realities and challenges for mission transformation in Sabu people. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 78(4).
- Tallar, R. Y., & Dhian, B. A. (2021, November). A viable drought vulnerability index for outermost small islands in Indonesia. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 15, 100698.
Cited by:
- Widodo, A., Syaifuddin, F., Vinca, Warnana, D. D., Rochman, J. P. G. N., Ariyanti, N., & Lestari, W. (2019, June 1). Data Acquisition of 2D Geophysical Resistivity Methods with Dipole-Dipole Configuration for Identification the Subsurface Brick Stone Sites of Kadipaten Terung Sidoarjo. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 546(2), 022034.
Cited by:
- Andi Prasetiawan, Muhammad Zainuri, Winarno, Dian Wijayanto. (2021). Safety and security management of traditional shipping in Tanjung Emas Port of Semarang. AACL Bioflux. 14(3). Pp. 1417 - 1430
- Akhmad, Akhmad and Amir, Amir and Asdimuh, Asdimuh and arniati, arniati and Ali, muhammad Yunus and Syukur, Muhammad. (2020). The Development Prospect of the Pinisi Vessel Industry in the Bulukumba Regency Indonesia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 12 (10). pp. 183-194. ISSN 2146-4553
Cited by:
- Permana, R. C. E., & Mas’ud, Z. (2022, April 29). Animal motifs on rock art in Papua and West Papua. Wacana, 23(1), 157.
Cited by:
- Nyssa, A. R., Susanto, D., & Panjaitan, T. H. (2022). Sustainable Construction of Wetland Stilt House in Indonesia. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 625–632.
Cited by:
- McIntosh, L., & Peni, Y. (2021, December 31). Alorese Textiles, specifically Tenapi, and their Production of Ternate Island, Alor Regency, NTT, Indonesia. Archipel, 102, 209–239.
Cited by:
- Drieënhuizen, C., & Sysling, F. (2021, July 9). Java Man and the Politics of Natural History. Bijdragen Tot De Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 177(2–3), 290–311.
- Santi, E., Na’im, M., & Umamah, N. (2019, April 9). Identification of the megalithic tradition based on its region and the human activity in Banyuwangi. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 243, 012162.
Cited by:
- Siswanto, A., Farida, Ardiansyah, & Indriastuti, K. (2019, October 30). Challenges in Conserving Bahal Temples of Sri-wijaya Kingdom, in North Sumatra. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 3619–3625.
Cited by:
- Primizakaria, J., Setiawan, N. I., & Ansori, C. (2022, August 1). Distribution, petrographic analysis, and preliminary source identification of Hindu-Buddhist artifacts in Karangsambung-Karangbolong National Geopark and surrounding areas, Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1071(1), 012011.
Cited by:
Cited by:
- Rangkuti, N., & Fauzi, M. R. (2019, March). Archaeological evidence from Purwo Agung site (Karang Agung Tengah): A new perspective on Pre-Srivijayan settlement in the coastal area of South Sumatra. Archaeological Research in Asia, 17, 193–203.
Cited by:
- Pariyama, L. S., & Siang, J. L. (2019, October 5). PERSPECTIVE OF MAX WEBER’S THESIS ON THE ETHICS OF PROTESTANTISM AND ITS RELEVANCE TO THE STYLE OF CHRISTIANITY IN MALUKU. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(5), 459–467.
Cited by:
- Fadillah, M. A. (2023, July 15). Pinggiran Selatan Kota Banten: Investigasi Arkeologi Situs Lawang Abang. Archipel, 105, 3–35.
Cited by:
- Mansyur, S., Somba, N., Awat, R., Ali Ahmadi, L. O., & Hasliana, H. (2021). Wakatobi Islands: Archaeological, Historical, and Maritime Tradition Perspectives | Kepulauan Wakatobi: Perspektif Arkeologi, Sejarah, dan Tradisi Maritim. SPAFA Journal, 5.
Cited by:
- O’Connor, S., Kealy, S., Wattimena, L., Black, A., Husni, M., & Mahirta. (2022, January 5). Sailing the deep blue sea: The rock art of Wetang Island, Maluku Barat Daya, Indonesia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 18(3), 398–425.
Cited by:
- Malawani, M. N., Lavigne, F., Sastrawan, W. J., Jamaluddin, Sirulhaq, A., & Hadmoko, D. S. (2022, December). The 1257 CE cataclysmic eruption of Samalas volcano (Indonesia) revealed by indigenous written sources: Forgotten kingdoms, emergency response, and societal recovery. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 432, 107688.
- Titisari, E. Y., Antariksa, Wulandari, L. D., & Surjono. (2018, December 28). Water Resource as Axis-Mundi: an Effort to Preserve Water Resource Sustainability. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 213, 012005.
Cited by:
- Siregar, S. M., Sutriyono, E., Siswanto, A., & Munandar, A. A. (2021, August 1). Placement of the Temples Site in Wetlands (Case Study in Bumiayu Temples Site). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 810(1), 012020.
Cited by:
- Pamungkas, H., Thomas, N., & Nasution. (2018, January). Ancient music instrument in east java: study about continuity and change in the 10-15 century. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 953, 012180.
Purwanti, R. (1996). “Struktur bangunan Situs Karangberahi: Sebuah mandala?” KALPATARU: Majalah Arkeologi, 1996, 11, pp. 29–41
Cited by:
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Edwards McKinnon, E. (1996). “Prasasti Ciaruteun: Suatu teka-teki, laba-laba atau lambang Sri?” KALPATARU: Majalah Arkeologi, 1996, 12, pp. 1–5
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Prasetyo, B. (1996). “Seni Prasejarah: Fungsi dan Perkembangan dalam Masyarakat Pendukungnya.” KALPATARU: Majalah Arkeologi, 1996, 11, pp. 1–11
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Sutaba, I.M. (1996). “Penelitian Arkeologi: Sumbangan untuk Kelengkapan Sejarah.” KALPATARU: Majalah Arkeologi, 1996, 12, pp. 7–11
Cited by:
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Suhadi, M. (1990). “Silsilah adityawarman.” KALPATARU Majalah Arkeologi, 1990, 9
Cited by:
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Sukendar, H. (1983). “Nias, Sumber Data Arkeologi Yang Kaya Akan Peninggalan Tradisi Megalitik.” KALPATARU, 1983, 8, pp. 1–30
Cited by:
- Megaliths from Easter Island to Indonesia: Bibliography. (2022, August 22). In Megaliths of the World: Vol. Volume 1, Pages 393-412 (pp. 393–412). Archaeopress.
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Cited by:
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Cited by:
- Biagioni, S., Haberzettl, T., Wang, L. C., St-Onge, G., & Behling, H. (2015, March 20). Unravelling the past 1,000 years of history of human–climate–landscape interactions at the Lindu plain, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 25(1), 1–17.
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