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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • I hereby declare that this submission is my own work.
  • I hereby stated that this manusrcipt have no plagiarism matter.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc) file format.
  • The manuscript structure already consist: Introduction, Material and Method, Result and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, and References.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

A. Authors are requested to make a statement of ethical clearance (Download);

B. Please use the template provided that can be downloaded here. The file uses the MS Word with docx format;

C. Writing guidelines in pdf format can be downloaded here;

D. This journal is an open access accredited journal in which the author needs to pay
once the manuscript is successfully published. The paper that is not passed through
the review selection, does not need to pay;

E. JTL manuscript consists of: 

  1. Title in Indonesian;
  2. Title in English;
  3. Author's name (can be more than 1);
  4. Agency Address;
  5. Abstract in English and the keywords;
  6. Abstract in Indonesian and the keywords ;
  7. The main article which consists of Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, and References;
F. The general rules of the JTL manuscript consist of the following sections:
  1. The article is written in Arial 10pt and justified in A4 paper format with the upper, lower and left margin limits being 2.5 cm, and the right margin is 2 cm. Starting from the INTRODUCTION chapter until the REFERENCES are written in 1 column. Text length of 8 to 10 pages;
  2. Manuscripts are arranged in four (4) chapters (written in Arial letters 10pt, capital, thick, and Left) and numbered with Arabic numerals, namely: 1. INTRODUCTION, 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS, 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, 4. CONCLUSION, exception for ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and REFERENCES written without numbering. The acknowledgements were written before the references. The sections are written in capital each word and are numbered with Arabic numbers, for example 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, etc. Given a 6pt space between chapters, sub-sections and body articles;
  3. Footnotes are not permitted. Symbols are written clearly and consistently. Foreign terms are written in italic letters. Abbreviations must be written in full when they are first mentioned, after which the abbreviated words are written;
  4. The minimum numbers of references used are 15. Please use only primary (80% minimum) and recent (last 10 years) sources and avoiding quotes from popular media and non-scientific sites (personal blogs, wikipedia, etc.);
  5. The primary reference source can be in the form of scientific papers in international journals, accredited national journals, research results in dissertations, and theses. Books (textbooks) are categorized into secondary reference sources;
  6. The reference format refers to the model developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th. Reference is written in alphabetical order of the first author’s surname. The format for writing citations at the end of a sentence is (author name, year). For example: (Parlina, 2020); (Parlina & Ihsan, 2021); (Parlina et al., 2019). While writing citations in the middle of a sentence, namely: Author (year). For example: According to Parlina (2020). Multilevel quotations as indicated by the word "in" must be avoided;
  7. It is highly recommended to use the format available based on international formats. There are some helpful tools provided such as Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, or Google Scholar;
  8. The table is submitted at the very end, after writing the Reference, and then it will be layout by the Managing Editor. Tables are created in an open format. Tables are written in Arial letters with a size of 10 pt and are spaced one space below the Title table. Title table is written in 10 pt letters and placed above the table. Table numbering uses Arabic numerals (1, 2, ...). If the table has enough lanes or columns, one column or one page can be used in full format. If the Title on the label lane is too long, the lane is numbered and the information is below the table;
  9. Images are submitted at the very end, after writing the Reference and tables, and then later on they will be layout by the Managing Editor. If the image is large enough, one column format can be used. Picture numbering uses Arabic numerals. Picture information is using Arial 10 pt and placed at the bottom. Images that have been published by other Author must be mentioned in the caption;
  10. The reaction equation or mathematical equation is placed symmetrically in the column. The equation number is placed at the right end in parentheses, and numbering is done in sequence. If there is a series of equations that are more than one line, then the number manager is placed in the last line. Appoint similarities in the text in abbreviated form, such as Eq. (1);
  11. The terms in foreign languages and mathematical symbols are written in italics / italic.

G. The general rules of the main body JTL manuscript:

  1. Title in bahasa (indonesian): the title should be concise, clear, informatif, and no more 20 words (arial 14pt, capitalize each word, bold, center);
  2. Title in english: Title is translated from the Indonesian title and has no more 20 words (arial 14pt, capitalize each word, bold, center);
  3. Author Name (can be more than 1): if the Author's name is more than one, the Author name is written by including the index number that must be adjusted to the Author's address and added "and" to the last Author. (Arial 10pt, UPPERCASE, Thick, and center);
  4. Address of Institution: if the Author's address / institution is different then the index number is adjusted to the index number in the name Author. First author must be equipped with e-mail (Arial 8pt and center) ;
  5. Abstract in English with keywords. The title (Arial 10pt, italic, bolt, and center). Abstracts body: Abstract should be written in Indonesian and English language with no more than 250 words. Italic letters must be applied for each word whixh use the English language. Abstract must be informative that briefly states the background, objective, basic procedure, main findings, and conclusion of the study. Since the abstract is often presented separately from the main article, it must be able to stand on its own. (Arial 10pt, italic, and justify). Keywords: maximum 5 keywords in English (Arial 10pt, italic, and left);
  6. Abstract in Bahasa (Indonesia), with keywords. The maximum number of words is 250 words. Abstracts should be informative. It should state the background of the problem, the purpose of the study, the research method (selection of objects examined, methods of observation, and analysis), summarize the contents and conclusions of the essence of the text. (Arial 10pt, and justify);
  7. Main body of the articles:
    • Introduction
      consisting of: background, literature review / theoretical basis, and research objectives;
    • Materials and methods
      The research method used must be written in a scientific manner, namely rational, empirical, and systematic. The time and place of research should be clearly stated, along with the data and tools and materials used in the study. Materials and Methods must explain the research materials and equipment used and data research and analysis procedures. For field studies, the location of the research should be included;
    • Results and discussion
      The results and discussion must be written as a series, and a long discussion must be divided into several sub-titles. The results must be clear and concise.
      The discussion mainly explains why and how the results of the research occur, and not only expresses the results obtained in sentences, but also does not repeat them again. The discussion must also compare the results obtained with the results of previously published studies;
    • Conclusion
      Conclusions can be in the form of specific conclusions and general conclusions;
    • Acknowledgement
      Worship is presented briefly; all research funding sources need to be mentioned, and any potential conflicts of interest are mentioned;
    • References
      The rules to state references are stated in the previous sections.