Strategi Terpadu: Mengurangi Banjir Melalui Sumur Resapan dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Studi Kasus: Perumahan BCA Land Tahap 1 Blok C)
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One of the residential areas is located in Banjar Koripan Kaja, Abian Tuwung Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency, namely BCA Land Housing Phase 1 Block C. During the high-intensity rainy season, this area often experiences floods. To overcome this, handling efforts can be carried out with the aim of increasing water infiltration into the ground through the creation of infiltration wells. The infiltration well analysis method is planned following SNI-03-2453-2002 and the Geographic Information System (GIS). The analysis of infiltration wells in BCA Land Housing Phase 1 Block C showed the ability to reduce flood discharge for the 5 years by 0.61% and reduce runoff volume by 0.59%. Infiltration wells in the surrounding area were able to reduce flood discharge for the 5 years by 78.56% and reduce runoff volume by 75.67%. The following GIS analysis showed the efficiency of reducing flood discharge in BCA Land Housing Phase 1 Block C by 0.65% and reducing flood volume by 0.63%. Based on the land area around the housing, it can be seen that the efficiency of reducing flood discharge by 81.22% and the efficiency of reducing flood volume by 78.23%. The results showed that the application of infiltration wells in BCA Land Housing Phase 1 Block C was not effective in reducing flood volume and discharge and contributed to preserving the surrounding environment. However, it can be categorized as effective if infiltration wells can be applied to the surrounding area (Penet Sub Watershed)
Salah satu kawasan perumahan terletak di Banjar Koripan Kaja, Desa Abian Tuwung, Kecamatan Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan, yakni Perumahan BCA Land Tahap 1 Blok C. Saat musim hujan dengan
intensitas tinggi, kawasan ini sering mengalami banjir. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, upaya penanganan dapat dilakukan dengan tujuan dapat meningkatkan resapan air ke dalam tanah melalui pembuatan
sumur resapan. Metode analisis sumur resapan direncanakan sesuai dengan SNI-03-2453-2002 dan
Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil analisis sumur resapan di Perumahan BCA Land Tahap 1
Blok C menunjukkan kemampuan mereduksi debit banjir periode ulang 5 tahun sebesar 0,61% dan mengurangi volume limpasan sebesar 0,59%. Sumur resapan di daerah sekitar mampu mengurangi
debit banjir periode ulang 5 tahun sebesar 78,56% dan mengurangi volume limpasan sebesar 75,67%. Analisis berikutnya dengan menggunakan SIG menunjukkan efisiensi penurunan debit banjir pada Perumahan BCA Land Tahap 1 Blok C sebesar 0,65% dan efisiensi penurunan volume banjir sebesar 0,63%. Berdasarkan luas lahan sekitar perumahan tersebut, terlihat efisiensi penurunan debit banjir sebesar 81,22% dan efisiensi penurunan volume banjir sebesar 78,23%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa penerapan sumur resapan pada Perumahan BCA Land Tahap 1 Blok C tidak efektif dalam
mereduksi volume dan debit banjir serta memberikan kontribusi dalam melestarikan lingkungan
sekitar. Namun, dapat dikategorikan efektif jika sumur resapan dapat diterapkan pada daerah
sekitar (Sub DAS Penet).
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