Analisis Potensi, Penentuan Strategi, dan Penyusunan Green Map untuk Pengembangan Eco-village Berbasis Mangrove di Kabupaten Indramayu Potential Analysis, Strategy Determination, and Green Map Making in Development of Mangroves-Based Eco-villages in Indramayu Regency
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Coastal areas with all its potential can become a capital of regional development that will lead to improving the community's economy. Optimization of the utilization and management of the area needs to be carried out on an environmental basis so it will be sustainable, one of which is through the eco-village concept implementation. This study aims to analyze the potencies, determine strategy recommendations, and make a green map, to support the development of mangrove-based eco-villages in Indramayu Regency. The research method is carried out in a descriptive-qualitative manner through Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) analysis, Internal Factor Analysis Strategy-External Factor Analysis Strategy (IFAS-EFAS) for determining priority strategies, and visualization of results through green maps. Indramayu Regency has various potential such as tourism, fisheries, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), and the availability of mangrove ecosystems which can support the implementation of the eco-village concept if well-developed. The results of IFAS-EFAS analysis show the coordinates of Pabean Udik (0.070; 0.273), Karangsong (0.314; 0.105), Dadap (0.392; 0.210), and Pabean Ilir (0.122; 0.909). All coordinates are in quadrant 1 which means that the chosen strategy is StrengthOpportunity (SO) which is carried out by optimizing the strength in utilizing opportunities. The potential of the area is described in the form of a green map that makes it easier for stakeholders to know the existing conditions and helps formulate strategies for developing the eco-village concept in Indramayu Regency.
Area pesisir dengan segala potensinya dapat menjadi modal pengembangan wilayah yang akan bermuara pada peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat. Optimalisasi pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan wilayah perlu dilakukan berbasis lingkungan agar dapat terus berjalan secara berkesinambungan, salah satunya melalui penerapan konsep eco-village. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis potensi wilayah, menentukan rekomendasi strategi, dan pembuatan green map, untuk mendukung pengembangan eco-village berbasis mangrove di Kabupaten Indramayu. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif-kualitatif melalui analisis Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT), analisis Internal Factor Analysis Strategy-External Factor Analysis Strategy (IFAS-EFAS) untuk penentuan strategi prioritas, serta visualisasi hasil melalui green map. Kabupaten Indramayu memiliki berbagai potensi di bidang pariwisata, perikanan, Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM), dan ketersediaan ekosistem mangrove yang apabila dikembangkan dapat mendukung implementasi konsep eco-village. Hasil analisis IFAS-EFAS menunjukkan koordinat Pabean Udik (0,070; 0,273), Karangsong (0,314; 0,105), Dadap (0,392; 0,210), dan Pabean Ilir (0,122; 0,909). Keseluruhan koordinat berada pada kuadran 1 yang artinya strategi terpilih adalah Strength-Opportunity (SO) yang dilakukan dengan mengoptimalkan kekuatan dalam memanfaatkan peluang. Potensi wilayah digambarkan dalam bentuk green map yang memudahkan pemangku kepentingan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting dan membantu penyusunan strategi pengembangan konsep eco-village di Kabupaten Indramayu.
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