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So far discussions about early Hindu-Buddhist influence in the Indonesian Archipelago (Nusantara) have always been started at around 5th Century AD, which is characterized by the presence of the kingdoms of Kutai and Tarumanagara in the archipelago, while the earlier period is barely noticed although the period between early and 5th century AD is a crucial period for the emergence of Hindu- Buddhist kingdoms in the archipelago. Research on the early period in history is intended to reveal the socio-economic dynamics among the communities in the Indonesian Archipelago so that they could accept and absorb elements of foreign (Indian) culture that ultimately gave rise to a number of Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms in the archipelago. The study collected data through surveys and excavation, and the methods of analyses used are typological and contextual analyses, as well as C-14 analyses on some finds that are expected reveal the conditions of the communities in the Indonesian Archipelago in the past. The results of this study are identification of a number of archaeological remains like remains of house poles, boat, ceramics, pottery, beads, metal tools, and several graves dating from the early period. The remains can be used to reconstruct the socio-economic condition of the archipelago and its role in the international world in Southeast Asia region
Berbicara tentang awal pengaruh Hindu Buddha di Nusantara sejauh ini selalu dimulai pada sekitar abad ke-5 M. yang ditandai oleh kehadiran kerajaan Kutai dan Tarumanagara di Nusantara dan masih sedikit perhatian terhadap periode sebelum itu. Padahal periode awal sampai dengan abad ke-5 M. adalah periode krusial bagi munculnya kerajaan yang bercorak Hindu-Buddha di Nusantara. Penelitian terhadap periode awal sejarah dimaksudkan untuk mengungkapkan dinamika sosial ekonomi yang terjadi di masyarakat Nusantara sehingga mampu menerima dan menyerap unsur-unsur budaya asing (India) yang pada puncaknya memunculkan sejumlah kerajaan bersifat Hindu-Buddha di Nusantara. Metode analisis yang dipakai adalah metode analisis tipologis dan kontekstual serta beberapa analisis C-14 atas temuan diharapkan dapat menjelaskan kondisi masyarakat Nusantara pada masa lalu. Hasil penelitian ini dapat mengidentifikasikan sejumlah tinggalan arkeologi seperti sisa tiang rumah, sisa perahu, keramik, tembikar, manik-manik, alat logam, dan sejumlah kubur yang diidentifikasi berasal dari periode awal sejarah. Berdasarkan tinggalan tersebut dapat direkonstruksi kondisi sosial-ekonomi masyarakat Nusantara dan peranannya di dunia internasional di Kawasan Asia Tenggara.
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