Vol. 30 No. 1 (2024)

					View Vol. 30 No. 1 (2024)

Advancing Sustainable Water Management in the spirit of Water for Shared Prosperity

 Recalling the successful 10th World Water Forum (WWF) 2024, held in the spirit of "Water for Shared Prosperity," Indonesia prioritized three key areas. First, the proposal of a World Lake Day, to commemorate lakes as a vital source of water that supports humans while providing social and economic benefits to society. Second, establishing a Center of Excellence for Water Security and Climate, aimed at capacity building, knowledge sharing, and utilizing superior facilities. Third, raising the issue of integrated water resources management on small islands.

The declaration aligns with our Limnotek transforming into Journal of Limnology and Water Resources (JLWR) focus and scope in establishing an integrated understanding of the interface between natural processes of water resources and inland water ecosystems with their human domains. Hence, it increased our motivation to continue exploring the intricate challenges and emerging opportunities in sustainable water and aquatic ecosystem management.

In this 2024 (1) volume, we present five research papers on key environmental and water resource issues, including the impact of weather changes on sulfide distribution in a tectonic deep lake, heavy metal contamination in a tropical lake, phosphate dynamics in coastal ecosystems, the efficacy of natural bentonite for dye removal in textile wastewater to address River pollution and Flood routing dynamics in the challenging topographic using UAV data. Hopefully, our publications offer valuable insights and foster a sustainable and harmonious relationship with our aquatic environment.

In alignment with our ethos of perpetual education, life, and growth, we extend an invitation to our readers to unite in our efforts to ensure that clean water becomes a symbol of our shared commitment to the well-being of our only one earth.

Published: 2024-07-01